Dyslexia Tests
Website: https://www.sess.ie/dyslexia-section/lists-tests National Council for Special Education (NCSE) list of tests for dyslexia , reading and numeracy.
Alternative tests to the state-based exams
Website: https://www.sess.ie/dyslexia-section/lists-tests National Council for Special Education (NCSE) list of tests for dyslexia , reading and numeracy.
Website: https://www.qualifax.ie/courses QQI awards certification for all levels in Ireland. QQI Level 3 is equivalent to Junior Cert, QQI Level 5 is equivalent to Leaving Cert. Also has certifications in Pre-university and all 3rd level qualifications.
Website: https://www.tests.erc.ie The Drumcondra Tests are a set of curriculum-based standardised assessments of achievement for both primary and post-primary pupils in Ireland. Tests are for English, Maths, Irish (primary only) and Apptitude Test (post-primary).