Member Benefits
Join HEN and help to support home education in Ireland
Membership is for 12 months from the date of joining, the annual fee is €25
when you join:
- You will receive a PDF welcome booklet which will give you a lot of information on the registration process as you begin your home schooling journey
- Funding goes towards workshops organised by HEN members
- You will get a list of members and their locality so you can reach out and meet up with other home educating families (members, of course, have the option to choose whether or not they would like to be included on the contact list!)
- HEN Ireland can provide insurance to cover meet-ups if required
- Discount on entry to the Annual Gathering
- Private, members-only Facebook group
- You will be kept up to date on any developments regarding home education in Ireland
- HEN Ireland is a recognised body and liaises with government departments on general home education issues.
We look forward to welcoming you!