registration with conditions
There appears to be a trend towards recommending registration with conditions from Tusla – AEARS. Recommendations from Tusla will allow registration with certain conditions attached. Because a child is receiving an education in places other than a recognised school, this conditional acceptance is reviewed again between 6-8 months later.
Here is an example of conditions that a parent recently received:
- Condition 1: A structured, sequential, and purposeful programme in language and literacy in line with expected outcomes for a person based on age and ability needs to be implemented without delay. An approach which facilitates the child’s areas of interest within language and literacy will be most advantageous.
- Condition 2: A structured, sequential, and purposeful programme in maths in line with expected learning outcomes for a person based on age and ability needs to be implemented so their numeracy skills can be advanced to a stage where they further encourage their interest in learning maths.
- Condition 3: Other areas of learning need to be adequately resourced and facilitated so that the child may have an educational experience that reflects their interests and ability.
The findings of the preliminary assessment were discussed with the participants on the date of the assessment. The participants were advised that the decision regarding registration would be made by Tusla – the Child and Family Agency: Alternative Education Assessment and Registration Service (AEARS).
Following the assessment, the draft preliminary report will be provided to the parents along with a factual accuracy and feedback form. After consideration is given to any/all information provided on the feedback form, the final report will be brought to the AEARS Registration Panel for a decision regarding registration.
We will keep our members informed as information becomes more available. Clear, transparent updates will be available and posted on this page in the future. We wanted, out of courtesy and respect to our members, to inform you of the latest developments within AEARS.
Link to what a Tusla Assessor cannot do in the preliminary assessment
*** You as the parent have the right to choose what approach best suits your home education of your child. ***
Structured, sequential, Purposeful Programmes
One example of a structured, sequential, purposeful programme is the Irish curriculum for primary and post-primary education which can be found on this page.
Disclaimer: HEN does not recommend or advocate for any one educational method. We respect and appreciate that education looks different for every family.
Important Read: How to guide to Tusla Assessments, provided by one of our members.